Our services
Learn more about our services how they work, prices, bookings, tier levels, and video sessions.
We provide an array of broad and specific services for manuscripts, papers, and documents. This service is inclusive to academic, professional, and creative writing. It's inclusive to editing, revision, proofreading, copyediting, and line editing, but includes multiple review types and levels of support.
Our editing services focuses on sentence-level reviews for spelling, grammar, punctuation and word choice. We find mistakes and fix them.
Our copyediting service provides specific reviews on ensuring your work is clear, accurate in syntax, and correct to polish your work to improve readability, and prepare it for proofreading. Copyediting includes reviewing grammar, spelling, tone, wordiness, transitions, problematic works, and reading flow. Our proofreading services include copywriting, with the addition of punctuation, formatting, one-page elements such as page numbers, subheaders, tables and charts and more. Our line editing services inclue focus on the flow and style of the work, not the mechanics, grammar, and spelling. Line editing includes sentence/scene flow, point of view, pacing, redundancy, repetition, dialogue, transitions, scenes and chapter length, inconsistencies, repetition.
Our revision services focuses on the entire writing work and focuses on reviewing the strengths and weaknesses in the arguments, organization, voice, supportive information and ideas. We ask questions to help explore and expand ideas, gain new perspectives, and clarify ideas.
Our rhetoric services focus on persuasiveness in written discourse utilizing rhetorical devices such as repetition, parallelism, and metaphors, and modes of persuasion including ethos, pathos, and logos to develop and improve theses statement, and the use of evidence and other supporting information.
Our content writing services include planning, writing, and publishing content. It is helping your develop information and knowledge that is engaging and informative for a particular audience. It includes awareness of voice, tone, style and ensuring your content is aligned with your audience or purpose. Our concept writing services include using processes and experimentation to develop, explore, and explain ideas through language play (language manipulation), intertextuality (including existing literature to make connections in ideas), visual and spatial arrangements (blending text and art), and constraint-based writing (imposing limitations to explore ideas). Our context writing services includes analyzing written work through the lens of history, circumstances, and the setting to ensure accuracy and understanding of the intended meanings. ​
Our trainding services provide skills and technique learning tailored to the literary genre, and the career, academic, and professional needs. Training includes learning and using literary devices, critical theories, critical analysis, editing and revising, pre-writing and developing a topic, the writing process, research, outline methodology, draft production, reducing wordiness, and work refinement. Webinars focus on presenting specific topics to help improve writing skills and use of techniques. Workshops provide opportunity and space for participants to engage in interactive learning through discussions, exercises, and activities.
Our coaching and mentorship services is dedicated to providing knowledge, education, and training skills and techniques, and personal and professional experience about the writing process and improvement, working through writer's block, building confidence, and utilizing writing and literary skills in your career and personal life.
Our same day support provides limited day-of writing services, with varied turn-around-time depending upon the time of the request, the extensiveness of need, and the number of already booked clients.
Our community writing service provides opportunities for people across the globe to connect with each other through reading and writing activities, exercises, and informational sessions. This community is highly collaborative, and seeks to further provide interactive education strategies to improving and exploring literacy.
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