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Herbal Preparation types

Below is a list of herbal preparation types, or different ways in which herbs can be applied or used depending upon the need or preferred method.

Image by CHI CHEN

Teas (infusions)

Hot or cold water is poured over herbs and left to steep. Usually leaves and flowers are used.

Wine Glasses

Wines & Beers

Herbs are brewed into alcohol-containing beverages.

Image by Calum Lewis


Herb parts, usually roots or bark, are simmered or boiled for an extended period.

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya


Plant properties are extracted with vinegar.

Image by Elsa Olofsson


Herbal chemicals or elements are extracted using alcohol and/or glycerol.

Image by Danika Perkinson

Herbal Honeys

Herbal tinctures or steeping herbs in honeys.

Image by Isabela Kronemberger


Mixing herbal honeys and vinegar together. Mostly used for cold/flu treatmeants. Can be used for other various reasons.

Image by jonathan ocampo

Infused Oils

Cooking or external oils are infused with herbs or herbal-based products.

Image by Lina Verovaya

Fomentation or Compress

Infused or decocted herbs are soaked in a fabric bandage and applied externally.

Image by Brecht Deboosere

Electuraries/Herbal Sweets

Herbal powders and honey or glycerin is mixed and made into a paste. Helps to soothe the digestive tract the body. Herbs are made into a sweet. Good for taking bitter tonics.

Image by Elsa Olofsson

Ointments and Salves

Herbal infused ointments and salves are made to be used on the skin. They can be made with various herbs and cocoa butter, beeswax, lanolin, shea butter.

Image by Anis M

Embrocations or Liniments

Herbs are infused in a mixture of oil and alcohol, or either and are used externally. 

Image by Mikey Frost


Herbs are boiled with sugar and water, or premade honey.

Image by Megumi Nachev

Butters and Ghees

Herbs are infused into butter or ghee and can be used in food or drinks. They might also be used on the skin.

Image by Hanna Postova

Baths/Skin Wash

Herbs are made by infusion or decoction, or another form, are super concentrated, and can be added to full body baths, hand or feet baths, or genital area steams.

Image by Lina Verovaya


Dried plant powder combined with sugar and a binding base that soothes ailments of a greater period of time

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